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How to keep your employees safe during business travel

Posted Aug 01, 2023

How to Keep Your Employees Safe During Business Travel

The importance of employee safety during business travel cannot be overstated. Not only does it protect the most valuable assets of any company – the people – but it also plays a crucial role in maintaining productivity, morale, and corporate reputation.

Business travel exposes employees to unfamiliar environments and potential risks, such as health concerns, crime, and political instability. If not adequately managed, these risks can lead to undesirable outcomes that can have long-term implications for both the employees and the organisation. Therefore, a carefully crafted approach to employee safety is necessary.

This guide aims to shed light on the vital aspect of employee safety during business travel and how the services of a professional ground transportation specialist, such as CMAC, can be instrumental in ensuring this safety.

Understanding the risks involved in business travel

The first crucial step when planning for business travel is understanding the potential risks involved. These include physical health risks to social, political, and environmental threats. Such understanding helps create effective strategies for managing these risks, thereby ensuring the safety and well-being of travelling employees.

  1. Health Risks: Business travel often involves changing environments that may expose employees to various health risks, from exposure to unfamiliar pathogens and diseases to the stress and fatigue associated with long-distance travel. Additionally, some destinations may pose specific health concerns, such as poor air quality or extreme weather conditions.

  1. Personal Safety Risks: Employees can be vulnerable to theft, assault, or other forms of crime, especially in areas with high crime rates. Moreover, language barriers and unfamiliarity with local laws and customs can potentially increase the risk of personal safety incidents.

  1. Political and Social Risks: Political instability or civil unrest can pose significant risks for business travellers. Such risks could range from protests and strikes disrupting transport to more extreme situations like acts of terrorism or military conflict.

  1. Environmental Risks: Natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, or floods are another form of risk that can affect employee safety during business travel. Even regions not traditionally associated with such events may experience them unexpectedly, making them a universal consideration.

  1. Cybersecurity Risks: The increasing reliance on digital tools and connectivity exposes business travellers to potential cybersecurity threats. These include risks such as data theft, privacy violations, or cyber-attacks on the company's digital infrastructure.

Each of these risks requires careful consideration and adequate preparation to manage effectively. Businesses must stay informed about potential threats in the regions where their employees are travelling and devise strategies to reduce their impact.

Duty of Care in business travel

Understanding the 'Duty of Care' concept is vital for businesses involving their employees in business travel. Duty of Care refers to the legal and moral obligation that employers have to ensure the safety and well-being of their employees. This obligation extends to business travel, and therefore employers must take reasonable steps to protect their employees from foreseeable harm while they are travelling for work.

Legal and Moral Responsibility

Businesses Duty of Care towards their employees is both a legal requirement and a moral responsibility. Legally, failing to provide a safe working environment, which includes work-related travel, can lead to lawsuits and significant financial penalties. Morally, it reflects a company's commitment to the well-being of its employees and can significantly influence its reputation, employee satisfaction, and retention rates.

Impact on Business Travel

Duty of Care should be at the forefront when planning and managing business travel. It involves assessing potential risks and threats associated with the travel destination, providing safe transportation and accommodation options, and ensuring employees have access to assistance in emergencies.

Repercussions of Negligence

Negligence in fulfilling the Duty of Care can have severe consequences for businesses. This can include legal ramifications, significant financial losses, damage to the company's reputation, and decreased employee morale and trust.

Pre-travel preparations

Preparation is vital to ensuring employee safety during business travel. This involves a range of steps businesses can take before each journey, including conducting a risk assessment, creating a comprehensive travel policy, and providing pre-travel training to employees.

  1. Risk Assessment

A thorough risk assessment involves analysing potential risks at the intended travel destination. This could include assessing the political climate, health risks, environmental hazards, or crime rates. Tailoring risk assessments to specific destinations is crucial to understand and mitigate potential threats effectively.

Based on the risk assessment, companies can determine whether travel is advisable and, if so, what precautions should be implemented. This could include specific vaccinations, safety equipment, or emergency procedures.

  1. Travel Policy

A well-structured travel policy is essential to ensure employers and employees both understand their responsibilities and are prepared for potential scenarios during business travel.

The travel policy should include details on approved modes of transport and accommodation, insurance coverage, expense management, emergency procedures, and health and safety guidelines. The policy should be reviewed and updated regularly to reflect changes in travel destinations, business requirements, and global trends.

  1. Pre-Travel Training

Training employees before their business travels can help them understand how to stay safe abroad. This could include providing information about local customs and regulations, teaching basic language skills, or providing tips on maintaining health and well-being during travel.

Emergency response training can also be incredibly beneficial, equipping employees with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively in an emergency.

Pre-travel preparations can significantly reduce the risks associated with business travel. Businesses can ensure their employees are well-prepared and supported throughout their travel by conducting thorough risk assessments, creating effective travel policies, and offering comprehensive training.

Ensuring safety during business travel

The actual period of business travel is a critical phase during which the groundwork of pre-travel preparations is tested. Here, we will explore key elements to consider during each trip: transportation safety to accommodation, health and well-being, and effective communication.

  • Transportation Safety — Transportation safety forms a crucial aspect of this process. Reliable and secure transportation services from trusted and vetted vendors can significantly reduce the risks associated with travel.

  • Accommodation Safety — While choosing accommodations for employees, businesses must prioritise security. Ideal accommodations should have stringent security measures, including CCTV, security personnel, and readily available emergency procedures.

  • Health and Well-being — Business travel can be both physically and mentally demanding. Businesses must ensure their employees have access to nutritious food, opportunities for physical exercise, and the necessary support to manage stress and fatigue.

  • Communication and Connectivity — Maintaining effective communication and connectivity with travelling employees is vital for their safety and well-being. Regular check-ins, timely updates about any changes at the destination, and having a 24/7 contact line can help ensure their safety. It also instils employee confidence, knowing they can easily reach out for support if needed.

Moreover, businesses should educate employees about cybersecurity risks, mainly when using public Wi-Fi networks, and provide secure alternatives such as VPNs to ensure data security.

Handling emergencies and unforeseen circumstances

Despite thorough preparations and safety measures, emergencies or unforeseen circumstances can occur during business travel. How an organisation responds to these situations can significantly impact the outcome and the well-being of the affected employees.

Having a well-prepared emergency response plan is critical. Such a plan should detail the actions needed in different scenarios, such as medical emergencies, natural disasters, political unrest, or accidents. It should also designate roles and responsibilities within the organisation and provide clear guidelines on who should be contacted in such events.

Employers should keep the following in mind when planning for emergencies:

  • Communication — Communication is vital during emergencies. Companies should ensure they can contact their employees at any given time and vice versa. They should also have systems to deliver timely updates to all relevant parties, including the employee's family and the rest of the organisation.

  • Insurance — Insurance also plays a crucial role in managing emergencies. Companies should ensure they have comprehensive travel insurance that covers a wide range of potential emergencies, including medical treatment, evacuation, and loss of personal belongings.

  • Support — Another essential factor to consider is providing emotional and psychological support to employees affected by emergencies. This can include counselling services to help them cope with any stress or trauma resulting from the incident.

  • Incident reporting — Lastly, after any emergency or incident, it's crucial to conduct a review to understand what happened, how it was handled, and how similar situations can be prevented or better managed. This should be part of a continuous effort to improve the company's safety practices and to uphold its duty of care towards its employees.

Ground transportation and accommodation specialists like CMAC can play an instrumental role in managing emergencies. Their knowledge of the local area and access to resources can be invaluable in situations that require rapid response or evacuation.

The importance of post-travel reviews

The end of a business trip does not mark the end of an organisation’s Duty of Care. Post-travel reviews serve as a crucial step in ensuring future trips are safer and more efficient. They provide an opportunity for businesses to assess the effectiveness of their safety measures and identify areas for improvement.

Feedback from employees is the cornerstone of effective post-travel reviews. Employees' experiences and observations can provide invaluable insights into the practical aspects of travel safety measures. Surveys or interviews can be conducted to gather this information, focusing on areas such as the adequacy of pre-travel information and training, the quality of transportation and accommodation, the effectiveness of communication during travel, and how well any incidents or emergencies were handled.

It's also important to review how well the travel policy was adhered to and whether it served its intended purpose effectively. Were there any gaps in the policy that need to be addressed? Were there situations that the policy did not cover? Answers to these questions can guide revisions to the policy to make it more comprehensive and relevant.

Keep your employees safe with CMAC

Business travel is an essential aspect of many organisations, but it comes with inherent risks and challenges. Ensuring the safety and well-being of employees during business travel is not only a legal obligation under the Duty of Care but also a moral responsibility that businesses owe to their employees. It requires a comprehensive and proactive approach that covers every stage of the travel process.

Here at CMAC, we help businesses ensure the safety of their employees with our range of specialist transport services. From event transport to staff shuttle services, our tailored solutions allow you to get your team to where they need to go — safely and securely. You can also read our latest business travel report to learn more about how to create a safer business travel environment.

To understand how CMAC can make your business travel better, safer and simpler, get in touch with our 24/7 team, who are happy to discuss this further.

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